VALE! I know I must write sth new otherwise many people will kill me. Its almost 1 month ago since I posted and now I'm really really lazy to tell all incidents. What u miss: Sylvia and Tammo came to Madrid beginning December and we had an awesome week;-)
Just before my friends came I was on an Erasmus fieldtrip to Salamanca, Segovia and Ávila! I'm sure this was one of the craziest trips I made and I just can repeat that I love Erasmus and that I love u guys! It was an amazing time!
SALAMANCA! At the beautiful Plaza Mayor!>
Of course I found my froggy on the famous university wall of Salamanca and I hope that it will bring me luck as they say;-)
Furthermore, I was around the 14.12. for around 4 days in BARCA BARCA! This was my 2nd time in Barcelona and I think I don't have to tell how amazing and great this fantastic artistic city is! One of the biggest advantages which Madrid doesn't have is the BEACH! However, I would never regret my decision being in Madrid! Madrid rulez;-)
Gaudís parque Güell con Steffi y Kathi
...and of course Christmas! This year actually not very amazing without my lovely family...but at least I was not completely alone. Even though I was a bit sick I went to a Finnish dinner which was really great!...
...and of course Christmas! This year actually not very amazing without my lovely family...but at least I was not completely alone. Even though I was a bit sick I went to a Finnish dinner which was really great!...

FINALLY! NEW YEARS incredible fiesta in my flat before we went to the Puerta del Sol which is a famous spectacle in whole Spain!
Madrid: Puerta del Sol!

...and demolition party in my flat FERNANDO EL CATÓLICO! I don't know who invited all these people (and who the f*** broke the toilet!)....but it was awesome!